Saturday, August 11, 2012

[154] Chicago Summer Dance - Chicago Line Dance

What is Chicago Summer Dance? Read this to find out. I don't want to re-explain it all over again in another post.

Today, met up with Wing, Kathy, Justin Law, and Amy to do some Chicago Line Dance! I was really excited for this, and it was perfect that Wing and Kathy were able to make it today. Last year, we talked about line dancing a few times and we'll just do it in the Allen hallways or the Quad or whatever whatever. The line dance we learned was this hoedown-looking line dance, so we thought it was going to be that.


Cha Cha Slide, Electric Slide, The Soulja Boy, The Wobble....these are all line dances apparently. Who knew?! We didn't.

Just like I say in alllll my posts....THIS WAS SO FUN! But seriously, I mean it. It was really awesome! The Thompson Twins taught us a whole bunch of cool line dances, and it was so great! They're really good too. Man, they got some sort of rhythm that's like awesome. Oh gosh! My writing in this paragraph is so rudimentary (<--that's a word I learned the other day hehe). Who cares.

After the hour of instruction from 6:00 to 7:00pm, they had a huuuugge dance party from 7:00 to 9:30pm. I left at 7pm, but I came back by 8:40pm or so and danced the rest of the night by myself...everyone else left. Womp womp. But it was a really great experience dancing by myself. They played really good 90's and 2000's R&B mixed with house. The dance floor was flipping packed! I squeezed into the middle of the dance floor and began an awkward "I'm dancing all by myself and I don't know anyone" side-to-side step. After a few minutes though, the music and the energy in the environment quickly got me out of that awkward zone, and I began to have REAL fun. I just moved however I wanted, however I felt, and it was a great relief to not worry about anyone judging me. The people were really friendly too. Some adults invited me to join their little dance circle, I danced with this one lady for a little bit (not any grinding nonsense but just grooving with each other), danced outside some cipher circles where some people were doing some really awesomely fun stuff. This one middle-aged guy danced out and did a bunch of cool Michael Jackson stuff and even slowly ripped his shirt in a stop-motion style. These kids were doing some Chicago style footwork. This one woman who was probably in her 60's took center-circle and did her own thing too, and then a teenage boy probably 18 years old went in and grooved with her too. It was so awesome! The party went until 9:45pm, and trust me, by the end of it, I was drenched in sweat and stinky but boy did it feel good.

I had an ECSTATIC time dancing during last year's AAA Semi-Formal 2011 and AAA Formal 2012, but I still struggle to completely let loose with dancing and just have the best time I can have dancing and enjoying the music. Well, today, I finally did. I was able to finally step over that fear and inhibition and dance like no one is watching. It was a great feeling of ... like.... liberation! Liberation from myself. I hope future events, I can have this same level of fun.

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