Monday, August 13, 2012

[156] Jewel, Jeff, and Venus

Since I started work, it's been raining a lot when I get off. Of course, it's never rained again as hard as that Lollapalooza day, but it's been raining nonetheless.

Lo and behold, today it rains too! Right when I get off work, it's pouring. Again, not as much as that Lollapalooza day but even running a few blocks to meet up with where Jeff and Venus were picking me up gets me prettty soaked.

Whatevs. Ain't nothing but hair flip. I'm done complaining. So after getting picked up, we went to Jewel for me to deposit some checks and also get some ingredients to make bread and whatnot for Jeff's dinner. We didn't really help, or at least I didn't... I don't think. I don't remember. Maybe I helped a litttlee. Or maybe not. Anyways, whatever. We had a really nice time chillin' and chattin'...and relaxin'. Although I would say Jeff did most of the relaxin'. He told us about how he had this really intense knot on the right side of his mid-back, so we tried our best to knead that knot outta here. Stupid little thing was hard as a frickin' rock! Venus and I both massaged Jeff at the same time while he's lying on the ground. It was tough work, but I think we got the knot a little smaller.

Note to self: In the future, I want to have two massages at the same time.

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