Sunday, August 26, 2012

[169] Quad Day 2012

Quad Day is basically a day for all the RSOs (registered student organizations...a fancy way to just say clubs) to come out and reach out to the new students. Or even the sophomores, juniors, and seniors. This is the equivalent of WY's Club Fair--except exponentially bigger.

Here's the quad. Now imagine all along the paths are just lined up with tables in juxtaposition with more tables, there are groups on the grass, and students all amuck collecting flyers, asking questions, or if you're like me, scoping out freebies.

Unfortunately, there were no good ones. Just pens, cups, a few bags, and a sports bottle.

I actually took the time to look at all the clubs and regret being a senior. I've been here for 3 years (this being my third), and I missed so many sweet opportunities to learn a new hobby. Like Chinese Yo-yo. Or Tai Chi. Yoga. Or join a Pre-OT Club. Etc etc.

Eh...whatevers. I had my share of fun and work here at the University. I've got the rest of my life to learn new things if I really wanted to.

Over 'n' out!

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