Saturday, August 4, 2012


Just my luck! Right after I get off work today, it is storming storming storming! From the office, I couldn't even tell. Walking out from the lobby and seeing parades of Lollapalooza-ers racing through the streets was pretty interesting though, so I decided to just stay right underneath the awning and watch.

 Some were scared and screaming, some didn't care and just walked calmly, and some were happy as I've ever seen someone--smiling, giggling, taking pictures, and giving people hugs. One guy really outshined everyone though. This guy was yelling "USA! USA!! USA!!!" up and down the sidewalk in front of me, laughing his ass off in the rain, and giving high fives to anyone who passed. He splashed water at himself, at us, at passing cars, and at any chance he got when no vehicles were passing, he would lay in the pools of water on the street. Haha! This man was crazy, but he made it look like so much fun. In fact, he sort of inspired me.

I went back up to the office, dropped off my backpack, took only my keys and wallet inside a garbage bag, and walked home in the rain.

I've never been a fan of rain. Some of my friends will tell you that I really hate the rain. But today, I guess I had a change of heart.  "I'm siiinnggging in the rain...I'm singgingg in the rain..."

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