Saturday, August 25, 2012

[168] Random #3

Without having seen the movie Drive starring Ryan Gosling, this .gif really doesn't mean anything.

Anyways, this is one of the newest addition to my list of favorite movies. I don't want to give away the story...not because I don't want to spoil it, but mainly because I'm too lazy to summarize it....but I will elaborate on why it's one of my favorite movies.

The whole movie, in my opinion, is a complete masterpiece. The directing, editing, writing, acting, soundtrack, etc. One criticism may be that it's a pretty slow movie. Although there's action, it's a pretty slow-paced movie. The dialogue is slow and the tracking is slow. Altogether slow, right? However, I think it really adds to the whole look and feel of the movie.

One of the greatest feats of this movie is that nothing is wasted. Every scene and line is so important for the whole plot! I love the absence of superfluousness in the movie. And the music matched everything so perfectly too in terms of the mood or dialogue or the lines.

As I think more about the movie, I feel like it's getting harder to describe this movie in words and why I love it so much. It's just a masterpiece. End of story. 

Bottom line: Go watch it. 

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