Friday, October 14, 2011

AAA Semi-Formal & IHOP - International House of POOP!!

On Friday, AAA (Asian American Association) had it's annual .... or is it semesteral (<---that's not a word)....Semi-Formal Dance. This is another one of those homecoming/prom things where everyone gets all spiffed up and dances. Unfortunately, I never had too much fun at these things. I've always thought it was a bit awkward dancing with so much people around, or dancing with a girl or whatever. Well....SCREW THAT! At this dance, I was gonna have fun!! Period.

And I did. Smiles.

A little intro about the dance:

This year's AAA 25th Anniversary Semi-Formal Dance had a Cinderella theme. All the girls put their right shoe on seats that were lined up on one side of the wall,

..., the guys choose a shoe, and find the girl...

...that the shoe matches with.

And then....THE FUN BEGINS!!

For most of the time, people were just dancing in circles and it was so much fun! Once in a while, people would go into the center and do their own thing. Once in a while, that'll be me. Or me and Jeff. It was a lot of fun doing the retarded top rock, the Carlton, and the spin&spread eagle with Jeff. Facebook "Like".

Oooh...and I think my friends Bridget and Jenny would be proud to know that I started a party boy line. It was bangin' too! ....but eventually, it was just very tiresome jumping side to side and moving around the room. That's when the party boy line dissembled. We were just too exhausted. But it was a huge success!!
----for those who don't know, we call this (↓)  the "Party Boy" ... at 02:52-----

What else happened?
Jeff requested Sugarhill Gang's "Jump On It" and when they played that, ....yo, my boy and I had to do that thang on the stage. A bunch of other guys gathered on the stage and did the Jump On It dance with us while everyone on the floor did it too.

We had a cha cha line. And the Cha Cha Slide. For "Party Rock Anthem", we did the shuffle. We did the Cupid Shuffle. A few times people would go on stage and sing to the song in the mic. I did that a few times...very poorly for Fountain of Wayne's "Stacy's Mom" and Jimmy Eat World's "The Middle". yEah... I was really excited and happy and just wanted to sing, but I didn't really know the lyrics. Smiles. STILL FUN!!

Okay... I'm going to wrap it up about the dance, but I'm so happy the dance kicked off so well. I had a ton of fun dancing and singing and dancing and sweating and moving and grooving with no shoeings. Too bad I wasn't the best "Prince" for my "Cinderella" though. I think I was missing in action a lot and just doing my own thing. I didn't really dance with her. I didn't even take a picture with her. my little cousins....don't do that. Don't be a bad date. :P In my defense, she was dancing the whole time too though, so she had fun. yEp yEp!

Group Picture!



I was starving so my friend JustinY and I got the unlimited pancakes that came with a 2egg+hashbrowns combo for $5!! SO CHEAP! AND SO MUCH FOOD!! Perfect! We started a competition to see who could eat the most pancakes, and it was ...... not at all fun. Pancakes do not taste very good and after about 3 pancakes, they just suck. We got up to 8 pancakes and we called it a truce. Then, I went to the washroom to wash up and pee before leaving (everyone was waiting on the two of us and our pancakes). When I got back, his last two pancakes were gone, so I had to match him. I ended up eating 10 pancakes and highly regretting it. It turns out the jerk had his two pancakes taken away, but left a few scraps to look like he ate it. What a sneaky snake.

At night, my taste buds were bleeding!!!!! NO JOKE!!! It may have been from brushing, but I also partially blame it eating so many pancakes, which have a rough surface. Right? Right? Thus, eating a lot would create a lot of friction on the surface of your tongue. Mostly, I blame Justin. :P WAIT! I should blame Jeff too!! It was his idea to have the competition in the first place. /shakes fist at Jeff.

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