Tuesday, August 21, 2012

[164] Royal Buffet

Continuing with the previous post, here's another first. This was my first time going to Royal Buffet.

Let's talk a little about Royal Buffet.
WHAT: All-you-can-eat Buffet {aka. I'm gonna eat my head off for the second day in a row}
WHERE: Hoffman Estates {aka. far as hell}
HOW MUCH: $22 {aka. expensive as hell}

Worth it? Yes.

At least for my first time, it was so worth it. They have dim sum and some really cool Chinese food I would never expect. In addition, they have one of the largest sushi selection I've seen at a buffet. They also have flan for dessert and a lot of different fresh fruits. Also, they do this birthday singing thing with a gong and Lion Dance instruments and it's sooooo funny! That made it wortth it too. I was cracking up so much, and lucky me, that day had like eight birthdays within an hour.

Anyways, I'll be hesitant to go again unless I'm just really in the mood or really, really hungry, but it's definitely worth trying once. The dim sum really swooped me off my fake-food-critic feet.

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