Wednesday, August 22, 2012

[165] Random #1

Okay, so I decided that for days where I have nothing to write about (or nothing I want to write about), I'm just going to post a random .gif or .png. or .jpeg and .... talk about it? Does that sound interesting? Probably not.

How will I do this? I will go to my Tumblr, and click the random button to jump to a random post.

Anyways, the first random post.

This .gif of Superman petting Batman is soo cute. Look how happy Batman is getting petted. This isn't the dark knight that we know in today's Batman trilogy, Justice League, or other recent Batman series--this is 1970s to 1980s Batman.

This was taken out of a really old show called Super Friends. I actually used to watch this show all the time when I was younger, and it was soooo PG compared to the Justice League of today's time. Having seen both, I can compare the two. Super Friends was very black and white. There were the good guys and the bad guys--the good guys were always good and like perfect and the bad guys weren't. It was very sugarcoated and denied the imperfections of human nature. Though, in my elementary school years, it was very fitting for just a happy-go-lucky TV series to watch after school. I'd much prefer watching Justice League though. The heroes were good guys but not without their flaws, and the bad guys were evil but even they had so much more to them than just "evil" that, as us being compassionate human beings, understood on some level.

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