Wednesday, August 29, 2012

[172] Random #5

I really love learning new words! When I hear a new word I find interesting (or an old one I don't remember the definition of), I type it in my phone and at night, I look it up in my dictionary and write down its definition in a specific notebook I have. I started doing this in high school. Originally, I thought this would help me learn an amalgam of different words to diversify my vocabulary, but I learned very quickly that I don't retain knowledge too well if I don't apply it.. Plus, I'm very forgetful. But! I still remember amalgam! Smiles. It basically means a big melting pot (not literally), or as the dictionary says--a combination of diverse elements.

When I saw the above post on Tumblr, I actually didn't write down 'serendipity' but I should have. I'm not familiar enough with it yet to use it comfortably in a sentence.

Didja Know?
The word has been voted one of the ten English words hardest to translate...alongside spam (ex. email spam AND canned meat Spam).

Did you experience serendipity recently?

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