Friday, August 20, 2010

The Quad.

This is our quad. It's pretty ridic big compared to the UIC quad. Just to give you an idea of exactly how big it is, two laps around our quad already make up 3 miles. Lots of room to lay, to nap, to play frisbee, etc etc. The best part is that it's sloped, so when going down one way on longboard, it's soooooooooooooo fun!!

The building alll the waaay on the other side of the quad is called the Union.

 The Union.

Flippin' trees all in the way and stuff. Anyways, this is the Union. For those who are familiar with UIC, it's the equivalent of SCE. They have a food court, rec room (bowling, billiards, video arcade), student lounges, tech labs, convenience stores, outside patios, conference rooms, ballrooms, multi-purpose space for dance and stuff. It's a really awesome place.

The Foellinger Auditorium.
I took the quad picture in front of this gigantic building on the big ass platform. This is on one end of the quad while the Union is on the opposite end.

The auditorium hosts many of the student productions  and performances. This is also the largest lecture hall on the whole campus. This bad boy can seat 1750 students (assuming each student fits one seat). ¡Increíble!


  1. did you take it with your phone? cause thats good quality! did you bring your longboard with you too?

  2. Hey I finally got to see the pictures of the quad! (Even though it's after I saw them in person :p )
