Saturday, July 27, 2013

[72] GRE Test Day

Quantitative - 155 (~64th Percentile)
Verbal - 158 (~77th Percentile)

Finally, I am finished with this obsessive studying schedule and done with this GRE. Now, I just have to focus on applications and work and volunteer. Most importantly, I have time at home to cleaaaan!! Yes!!!!
Watch out dust and nastiness, I'm coming to get you! You too, dirt and grime!


  1. How are you on [72] when we started on the same day?! I'm only on [69].

  2. Hmmm. Jk. Went back and found some inconsistencies with my numbering. But I'm still 1 behind you for some reason. Oh well.

  3. I numbered all my days on my calendar since the first day the 17th, so this numbering SHOUULD be right... Should I double check?
