Tuesday, July 9, 2013

[54] Wingus.

I woke up feeling so sore from working out two days ago and dancing yesterday.

This made it a really long, tiresome work day.

After work, I was gonna just feed Wing's cat and then go home to sleep. I was so exhausted.

To my surprise, Wing was already home and we ended up talking and hanging out until 6:30am.

It was good stuff. I miss these kinds of hangouts. I don't get to see this kid often.
 /long spiel about how much this guy means to me. I would include a long spiel for real, but this kid knows how much I love him and I'll rather spare you readers...all 3 of you. HAHA.

He'll be going back home to Chicago this weekend.

I can't wait until I get to go home too.

Until then.

Bye bye.

I miss you, home.

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