Wednesday, July 10, 2013

[55] Yummy Dinner!

After a whole day of studying for the GRE, I was so glad to be able to have some decent food!

I'm not usually very happy about my own cooking. Although I post about random dishes I put together, often times they're not that good--they're alright. I just need food to eat, and I like to play around, nawwmeeen?

This time around though, I was very, very pleased with my dish.

Okay, so, here's what we'll do for today's post. I will teach you how to make today's dinner.
Instead of separating it based on ingredients and dish, I'm going to separate it based on...

What You Making?
Baked fish fillet and sausage


  1. preheat oven to 350 deg
  2. defrost however many fillets of fish
  3. make a cute little baking pan out of aluminum foil
  4. olive oil up that aluminum foil baking pan
  5. place fish on pan
  6. olive oil up that fish
  7. spice it up with lemon pepper, lemon juice, and creole seasoning
  8. place sausage on pan
  9. bake for 15~20 minutes
What You Making?
Egg noodles with soup base made from scratch

  1. boil water
  2. dump in egg noodles
  3. once cooked, turn down the fire to just a light boil
  4. drain water so there's just enough to cover noodles
  5. put in 2 tbsp of gojujjang (Korean hot pepper paste) and miso paste
  6. stir into noodles and water
  7. keep for about 2 more minutes

What You Making?

  1. heat up pan...if you sprinkle some water on the surface, it's hot enough when it goes "sss-----"
  2. add just enough oil to coat pan
  3. throw in broccoli florets
  4. cook for a few minutes..iono...just eye it... 6 minutes?
  5. squirt some sriracha sauce and oyster sauce and stir
  6. pour in just like half a cup of water just to let it cook the veggies a little more
  7. once the water's evaporated, serve


Oh garsh, I'm thinking about dinner right now. Drools. I'm going to make the same thing tomorrow. Too bad I only have 1 more fish fillet left. 

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