Sunday, July 21, 2013

[66] HOO YEAH!



Then, I ate breakfast, studied up some vocabulary words I missed the other day, cleaned my room, started packing for home, threw away a lot of papers, organized my pay stubs and bills, and deposited my coins I've been saving up this year.

Let's play a game!
How much is in here?

These are mostly pennies, nickels, and dimes although 4 sneaky quarters got past me.
I'll post the total amount and break down the coin quantities in the next post.

Also, starting tomorrow, I will be waking up at 7:30am everyday. That's the time I'll need to wake up on Saturday, so I will have 5 days to get used to it. As long as no one makes me up during the night, waking up early shouldn't be a problem. I was actually pretty energized waking up today at 8am and having a full productive day. Oh yeah..after all the morning stuff, I productively ate 42 pieces of sushi at sushi buffet, studied, and then had work again.

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