Monday, July 15, 2013

[60] Success Day #1

In order to congratulate myself for waking up earlier, I will start counting my successful days and blatantly bragging about how on-task I am. I really don't mean to sound like an ass but at this point with the test two weeks away, I need to manipulate myself for my own benefit as much as possible. Oh yeah! And I will conveniently leave out most (if not all) of my irresponsible moments. By the end of this 2 weeks, you will think I'm the epitome of a responsible adult. Don't worry though; afterwards, I'll be sure to post about the flaws and flukes in my life. Gotta stay balanced. ;]

Well, after waking up late yesterday, I made up for it today.

Ate breakfast.
Smells funky but tastes great and is great source of fiber.

Picked up health records.
I need them for my volunteer application at Provena Hospital in August.

Studied for GRE.

Even Reading Comprehension 

Picked up Box.
Left it at the AAA office since April.

Took a picture of Wing's boxing bag
Special request from Wing and I am at his service.

Cooked dinner.
The most amazing part! I even saved half of it for the next day. 
If you know me well, you know I hate saving food and just eat all of it.
Right then and there.
/applauds self
I can use a GRE word here!
"Though you may think it silly, I believe this accomplishment was quite laudable."
[laudable - adj - worthy of praise]

Went to library and studied more.
I studied for another 2 hours or so until the library closed at midnight.

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