Friday, July 19, 2013

[64] Super Busy Work Day

It would be wrong to name this a successful GRE day because, frankly, I didn't have much time to study today. I had a 16 hour work day today, and I was pretty swamped. However, just half an hour ago, I crammed a bit of GRE writing tips that train you to write concisely and clearly. I don't know if I have these skills, so I'm writing this with that goal in mind. Normally, I do not think I write very concisely, especially not in my blog posts. Often, they're long and erratic. It'll be a work in progress until the 27th. Then, it'll return to being however the heck I want it to be!

Anyways, this is all the time I have to write today.

Good night, all!

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