Wednesday, July 17, 2013

[62] Success Day #3 - Laundry Day, Pt. II

Today was basically the same as yesterday. I woke up at 10:00am, did laundry again (went with Dan today) and studied for 3 hours while the laundry was running. Afterwards, I came back home and made food then studied for another hour or two before going to Illini Tower to teach Jenny the rest of  the dance. REJEkTeD SYNDiCATiON is gonna be a real thing. ;Þ Just kidding. Finally, at nighttime, I studied at the library again until closing time. When I got back home, I wanted to study just a little bit more but by then, I was so tired that my brain really wasn't working anymore. I got like 6 consecutive math questions wrong. It was time to call it quits until the next day.


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