Friday, July 12, 2013

[57] No More Late-Night Biking

I realized today that my GRE is only two weeks away!!!!, I gotta wake up at 7:30am that day and that's the time I've been going to sleep!! (Well...between 5am and 7am)

That's nuts! So, I made an executive decision: I can no longer go on these lake night bike rides or walks. Yesterday, we went on a walk from 2am to 5:30am...wait... I think TECHNICALLY that was today. Anyways, and we went biking the day before and a few other days throughout this summer too. 

..a few minutes later...

Dan just left to take a bike's 3:30am... I'm typing this right now.... I'm so tempted to run out and chase after him. 

Dang it. 

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