Saturday, July 20, 2013

[65] Semi-Successful

It was semi-successful day.

After my 16-hour shift from 4pm to 8am, I knocked out when I got home for like 4 hours. I was pretty awake while I was walking home though. It felt really great and refreshing being outside that early in the morning again. I forgot what it felt like. The cool breeze, the smell of fresh air, the warm (not hot) sunlight, and the calm streets. Unfortunately, it didn't last long because fatigue hit me like a truck the moment I stepped into my apartment. It was a weird struggle where half of me was trying to get up and study and the other half was asleep. I kept fighting to get up but my body would just fall back asleep.

Whatever, after waking up though at noon, I made food, ran errands, and studied for an hour and a half before work at 4pm until midnight again.

I got home at like 1am and by then, I was exhausted. I just knocked out. It was one of the best sleeps ever!
...except I was cold.

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