Monday, July 8, 2013


It's been such a long time since I danced, and I really missed learning choreography.

Today, a group of friends and I decided to learn something. And I wanted to learn something good.
It was like coming out of a dancing fast. I've gotta break it with something good, right?

This is SELEkTiV SUNDiCATiON's set from Urbanite 2012. Low-key: I'm like a super-duper big fan. I watch their sets like every other week, and their choreography to "Black Magic" by Rick Ross at 02:15 is one of my favorites.

So I decided to learn it. WARNING: Profanity. 

When I got home today, I was taking a dump and I wondered...

What if we learned all of SELEkTiV's sets and we formed our own group. We'll be like a SELEkTiVtribute dance crew. Our name will be REJEkTeD SYNDiCATiON.


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