Sunday, April 29, 2012

[50] Dance - Clinic & Bob Fosse

Another wonderful day full of dance!

In the afternoon, I attended another dance clinic by my friends Justin and Joanne. It was really different because unlike all the previous dance clinics, the two dances from this dance clinic were done in chairs. It was a lot of fun!

Finally, I had to choreograph for my Jazz Dance final. The assignment is to choose a Jazz choreographer from a list, study their style and works, and choreo a piece incorporating their style.

I chose Bob Fosse, and I had a lot of fun! He has a lot of variety to his pieces but my favorite is the following far.

 If you want to explore more works by Bob, I really like this choreography as well. 

I choreographed my dance to Michael Jackson's "2 Bad", which is nothing like the songs above; however, I incorporated some signature Fosse moves -- inverted knees and rolled shoulders. Bob also started using a lot of hats in his choreography because of his own self-consciousness about his premature balding. He even had all his dancers wear hats in performances. I thought that was very interesting, so I used a hat as a main prop in my dance as well. It's also very fitting because I'm bald.

Since "2 Bad" is so different from the songs Fosse's choreographed too, I wanted to incorporate Fosse's sharpness into my choreography. His moves are very clean, distinct, and executed with intent. He also has a lot of jumps and airtime in a variety of his works -- I incorporated a little of that too....WITH A HIGH AS JUMPING HEEL CLICK! ;3

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