Friday, April 20, 2012

[41] No Sleep ... No Good

I think yesterday was my first time staying up for over 24 hours--working on a project, doing lab report, and lab test. As a result, my immune system pretty much shut down. My throat feels dry as a sandpaper all the time, my nose is drippy, I'm always cold, and my body aches .... even my wrists! WHAT!?

Also, during the test, my half-asleep self was so tired I was writing nonsense.
Q: Why is it important to calculate absolute & relative VO2?
A: Relative allows us to meet a crowd of guys picked up at the IKEA parking lot.

Q: What is a good predictor of endurance exercise traning?
A: VO2 max...the ability of our body to utilize O2 efficiently while maintaining stealthiness.
(Needless to say...being stealthy and ninja has nothing to do with it)

Of course, I shook myself awake, read my answers, and re-answered them. Guh! This isn't worth it...


Note to self: Take care of yourself.

Note to readers: Take care of yourself.

I'm going to bed now to rest...but first, a nice steamy shower.

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