Sunday, April 22, 2012

[42] More Sleep ... More Good // Formal Proposal

Staying in my warm bed until 2:30pm and getting plenty of rest really does the trick! I feel a million times better today...although I still woke up with really awkward aches all over my body. Usually, if I get sick and my body aches, my shoulders would ache...but my wrists and forearms were aching a lot today too. Either way, I felt a lot better.

I woke up and soon after eating, I was out the door busy as a bee.....

Eventually, I got to ISR to start preparing things to ask Hannah to AAA Formal Dance. This is a follow-up of last semester's AAA Semi-Formal Dance

Props I used.  

I don't want to elaborate on everything I did, but I just wanted to show at least a little something. Anyways, I put in a lot of time and energy into this proposal and I'm sooooooo glad it went well. I haven't been this nervous for anything in a long time. Even over the summer during speech class, I didn't get this sweaty and shaky. 

I kept thinking of worst-case scenarios of her saying 'no' and even had a nightmare one night where she already said 'yes' to someone else, but I came to the conclusion that if that had happened, I would have been really happy regardless. It was a lot of fun working on a project like this -- exploring my creative side. Planning out all the details, mapping things out, designing props, creating them, and finally...execution. It makes me want to continue doing some fun projects. Video? Flipbook? Some paintings? ... Rap battles? ;Þ

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