Thursday, April 12, 2012

[33] Potpourri #2

I think when I don't really know what to post for a day, I'll just do a potpourri

#1: Squirrel with Peanut Close-Up

I sound like a pedophile. Squirrel-phile.

#2: Toilet Paper Mishap...(almost)

Number two is about number two... hehe ..hehe

Spotted the empty roll before I started my business. Crisis averted! 
#3: Gado Gado 

Gado kind of sounds like "God awful". COINCIDENCE!?

I've built up my spicy tolerance this semester, so I decided to try every spicy dish on the menu at Cravings (Asian cuisine restaurant on campus). This dish was not only not spicy, but it just tasted like peanut butter. It was hard to finish. BLECH!

Tofu God-awful God-awful

#4: My Cubicle

Gonna be at the library all night! I've already been here for four hours actually.

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