Thursday, April 26, 2012

[47] Food of the GODS!

It's been a long day of shopping around for dress clothes for AAA Formal Dance -- going around to stores in the morning before classes to look for dress pants and a hat, shopping around after classes for 3 hours at the mall looking for dress pants, a hat, and I decided to buy a new dress shirt as well.

After a long and exhausting day, dinner at Dos Reales was well deserved (in my opinion). It's only like my favorite restaurant of all time. Why? Great food! Great portions! Grrreeeeaaatt prices!!

Dos Reales - Fajita Quesadilla Vegetariana

I also played what I will declare publicly on this blog as! I know, I know... I've said I quit tetris before, but hopefully I mean it this time. 


Gods of Tetris do not play tetris; we watch as noobs struggle through the ranks dreaming to be where we are. Ooh ooh. We cross our arms as we watch. And chuckle. While smirking. And shake our heads if they mess up. Gods of Tetris aren't nice people.


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