Wednesday, April 4, 2012

[25] No Sleep, No Problem

No problem....except for now-ish where I'm awake, but I feel like everything around me is a dream. I found out that people are sleep-deprived....crazy stuff goes down. Some hallucinate the smell of cupcakes, but I hallucinate people's voices. It's so scary. Throughout the day, I was listening to music and I had to take out my headphones so many times, because I kept thinking people were around me talking. Needless to say, there was never anyone around. Spoooookyy.

So...why didnt I sleep? I pulled an all-nighter yesterday, because I didn't want to go home. Last night at ISR, I was chillin' like a villain until the weeee hours (no villainy was committed). By the time it was the wee hours and I thought it was good to go back home, the weather was freeeezing! Wearing only t-shirt and shorts was quite unsuitable for a windy bike ride home. No sir! So I stayed and observed a fine group of students working hard on their projects. It was a lot of fun! I really enjoyed the company. I hope they enjoyed mine...I was kind of just sitting there as they worked. I learned a lot that day :}

Fast forward (>>) to the at 8pm......I got a double fortune!!! Woo! There should be some really big deal superstition for when you get two fortunes in your fortune cookie. I'm going to try to relate it to my awesome all-nighter.

"It's in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped."
When I decided not to go home cause it was too windy, I was destined to stay at ISR and pull an all-nighter.  This fortune doesn't say too just has fancy words. Or maybe I'm not deep enough. The fortune's wisdom is wasted on me.

"It's not the plan that is important, it's the planning."
Uh ... this reminds me of something like, the process is better than the end product. I can see that being true. You learn a lot during the process and you have a lot of fun. The process of staying up was more important that.....¿sleeping? I'm not good at this fortune cookie telling business.

Anywhoo, no regrets.

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