Sunday, April 8, 2012

[29] Force Of Nature - Kirstie Simson

For Jazz Dance, we had an extra credit assignment to go out to an Art Theatre in Downtown Champaign and watch a free screening of Force of Nature. This movie is centered around the art of improvisation, a concept taught by nationally renowned Kirstie Simson, who is also a dance teacher here in UIUC. She has made a goal to continue practicing and teaching improvisation her whole life. For her, it IS life.

When I first thought of improvisation, it was merely "performing without previous preparation". My knowledge of improvisation was just as dry as that definition. In the movie, Kirstie opens up a whole new perspective on what is improvisation. It wasn't just as about was about performance, love, freedom, relationships, logic, and life itself. 

Improvisation is an art form by which there is no judgement. You don't need to move how you learned to move. You don't need to move how you think others want to see you move. There is no way to do it except however YOU want to do it. It's all about the mover. It's an opportunity for the mover to express themself in whatever forms. 

I feel we need to improvise sometimes to rediscover what is true to us and what we love. No boundaries, no rules, no plans, no judgements. Improvisation is personal growth. 

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