Friday, April 13, 2012

[34] Super Awesome Old Guys--Ultra Triathlon Athlete & Liam Neeson

1. Dr. Martin

Today in a Kinesiology lab, we ran a VO2 max test for a 46 year old triathlete. VO2 stands for volume of oxygen. This test is a highly vigorous test where you run or cycle until you absolutely cannot anymore! It pushes you to your max in order to measure the peak level of oxygen consumption by your muscles for activity. The higher the number, the higher your fitness level.

When we analyzed the results, his was super high of 66 ml/kg/min. The average for a college track runnner is 48-53 and he STILL beat that score. The average for males his age is 31-32 ml/kg/min and he easily doubled that score. Amazing!!

While he was cycling afterwards, we were talking to him about the kind of races he participates in. His last race was a 24-hour long race cycling 300 miles. His next race will be a team relay race from California to New Jersey.

2. Liam Neeson

Last night, I watched the movie Taken starring Liam Neeson. This man was 56 when he shot this film, but he is kicking so much butt. I highly recommend this movie... PG13
Age has a highly linear correlation with awesome-ness. The older you get, the more awesome! I can't wait until I'm their age. All I hope for is that I can still do a handstand and a headstand. 

Or learn to do THIS.

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