Tuesday, April 10, 2012

[31] Carle Annual Spring Event

This is a banquet held by Carle Hospital every year for Applied Health Sciences students. It's a great way to meet other Applied Health Sciences students but most importantly, network with Carle administrators in the health field to get to know more about the health sciences and ask about internships.

This was mostly geared toward Community Health majors (I'm Kinesiology), and I found out why. The Carle administrators were .... administrators--not clinicians. I found it hard to apply the internship opportunities to my own goals. But still, I did learn a lot.

During the event, there was a panel discussion with noteworthy administrators. From the Questions & Answer session with these panelists, I was able to revisit...

  • What first got me interested in health?
  • How did that lead to my interest in therapy?
  • What makes me really want to stick with this career choice?
I was thinking a lot about the last question lately. My undergraduate years of college are almost over, and I'll be taking the next step soon: graduate school. By now, I better know why I want to stick with it (otherwise, I should be pursuing something else). Fortunately, I know now. This is why. And this.

Each day is something new and interesting. Each day is a learning experience. My observation/volunteer days are the days that really confirm that "yEp! I want to do this".

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