Monday, July 9, 2012

[121] CFC - Day 1 (Initial Fitness Assessment)

[I fell way behind on blogging. I am desperately trying to recount my days and catch up - Aug 8, 2012] 

FINALLY!! I've been anticipating the start of Chicago Fitness Challenge all summer! 

We started the first day with a nice walk around Ping Tom Park and then a jog. Remember not too long ago, when I  had a mini-workout day, I was only able to jog a measly 0.8 miles? We probably didn't jog that much on the first day, but I was determined that by the last day, I would be able to jog MUCH MORE THAN 0.8!

Chicago Fitness Challenge is a really program to really push yourself physically. We're working out 5 hrs a day, 5 days a week, for a 3 short weeks. In those three short weeks, we gain as much as we push ourselves. I was determined to increase my endurance, strength, and flexibility. 

Of course, I would gauge my improvement myself throughout the program, but CFC also wanted to give us a fitness assessment of its own. 

After our brisk walk and jog, we hydrated a bit, then dove right into our fitness assessments. Here are my scores:

Fitness Assessment (First Day of CFC)

40 Yard Dash
Trial 1 - 7.34 sec
Trial 2 - 6.91 sec
Trial 3 - 7.10 sec

1 min = 60 sit-ups
1 min = 36 push-ups

The assessments were tough. I think really pushing your body to do its max is a grueling task. All that anaerobic metabolism naw what I'm sayyin'? 


Following the assessments, we did yoga. which is a regular thing in the program. Everyday, there will be running and yoga. Heck to the yes! I really love yoga, because it's got flexibility, it's got strength, it's got balance, it's got breathing, it's got concentration, focus, proprioception, mindfulness...etc, etc, etc, etc!! LEH'GO!!

First downward dog

And after an intense (but nice) hour or hour-and-a-half of yoga, shavasana. 

Shavasana / Corpse Pose

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