Thursday, July 19, 2012

[131] CFC Cancelled

In the morning, the rain was falling HARD on the city, and the hourly forecast predicted severe thunderstorms throughout the day. So, we had to cancel CFC but by the time it was like 10am, the weather was beautiful. This just goes to show you how unreliable weather forecasts can be (or usually are).

It was a much needed day off though. We were registered to compete in the Chinatown Dragonboat Race 2012, but we only received information about it yesterday! Everything was supposed to be settled a week ago!! The race was two days away!!! You can understand the sense of urgency Mr. Navas and I had this day, right? Even though we were signed up and received sponsorship, we had nothing else done--no team application, rower applications, liability forms, roster information, and we didn't attend any informational meetings yet either. Heck! We didn't even have a team name.

So anyways, like I said, it was a much needed day off. We wouldn't have been able to get everything ready had we held CFC that day.

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