Thursday, July 12, 2012

[124] CFC - Day 4 (Bike Conditioning)

[I fell way behind on blogging. I am desperately trying to recount my days and catch up - Aug 8, 2012]   

Finally! I remember what we did today (only because there's an album for it on Facebook), but we all went biking for the first time in CFC (after the usual jogging and yoga at Ping Tom). We bike A LOT in CFC. Of the three weeks of CFC, we probably bike for two of the weeks. 

This is Thursday, right? Yes. It is Thursday. On Friday, we'll all be biking to Grant Park for tennis lessons, so we, as a group, needed at least one day of bike conditioning and to familiarize ourselves with our route to the tennis courts. 

We rollin', rollin',  rollin'!! (almost)

Okay.. biked out, went to the tennis courts, continued biking north. When we got to North Avenue Beach, we jumped into Lake Michigan. Woo!!

Eli hopping over Shi Yu and into the Lake

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