Wednesday, July 4, 2012

[116] Indiana Beach Vacation

My many cousins, family friends, and I made a mini-road trip vacation to Indiana Beach Amusement Park for July 4th. It was a total of 22 people all split up among 4 vehicles. Dare I name out all twenty-two? Nah...forget it. It doesn't matter.

Anyways, about the amusement park! Although Indiana Beach had all of thiss....

...all I really cared about was this....

BUMP BUMP! ZIP ZAP! I swear, I could have rode the bumper cars for the whole ~7 hours we were there. You get to experience an aspect of driving you don't get to normally--crashing, drifting, and disobeying all rules. They said to only go in one direction....oh well. No head on collisions....whoops. Plus, this is a great family affair! Families bashing bumpers--awesome family fun!! No hard feelings!   

When I wasn't on the bumper cars, I was exploring the park's many rides with the cousins & Steven (a family friend and my former student.... :O!!! HOW EXCITING!!!) The rollercoasters were fun, but my favorite rides were the more interactive ones. *cough cough* bumper cars *cough cough*. I can't really interact too much on a rollercoaster while we're diving down a two-story slope. 

Top 3 Rides
  1. Bumper Cars (duh)
  2. The Den of Lost Thieves (a two-person cart ride into a dark cave where you compete against partner for a point showdown shooting various targets)
  3. The Himalaya (an undulating ride that goes super fast in a circle forwards and backwards). 

  1. Bumper Cars - (read above)
  2. Den of Lost Thieves - It's like a real-life, 2-player shooter. That's awesome!! Plus, I get to shoot stuff with my cousins while screaming my head off for my own amusement while carting through the cave.
  3. The Himalaya - The Himalaya has ALWAYS been a favorite of mine in all amusement parks and street carnivals. Since the ride naturally tilts a bit toward the outer edge, the inside rider usually ends up smushed into the center because it goes so fast. It was hilarious to get smushed, struggle against the centripetal force, and watch my cousins in front of me trying their best not to succumb to it as well. HAHAHAHA!! Laughing right now just thinking about it. 
We had to wake up at 5:30am to drive out. It was hot and humid all day--it was at least 100 degrees and we outdoors all day. With a big group, there will be complainers, party poopers, yellers, and the impatient angry people who would rather ditch everyone and do things their way. Lastly, being one of the guardians, it was definitely hard keeping track of a handful of kids all at once. However, against all odds, I sincerely had the greatest time!! Once I get past the stickiness from the sunscreen and sweat mixture, the symptoms of heat syncope and utter dehydration, it was awesome! Hopefully, it wasn't the heat and dehydration making me loopy and happy, but I will swear on my grave I thoroughly loved the day. 

Reminiscing back, it's ironic how I almost didn't even go. Admit it--Being outside all day in 100 degree weather doesn't necessary seem worth it in foresight. 

It was worth it. 

As I mentioned in my cousin's day entry , spending some quality family time makes me sincerely happy. And above everything else, this alone is enough to make the trip worth it. Of course, I don't want to leave Steven and his mom (our family friends) out of this. I was with Steven for all if not most of the trip, and I really enjoyed having time with that kid. He's shy at first, but he's really fun and interesting once you talk to him a little more. AND HE WAS MY FORMER STUDENT!!! HOW CRAZY!!! Anyways, yeah....back to family. This trip reminded me that there really isn't anything better than family. Family is always there, even when others in your life aren't. Cherish and love them.     

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