Tuesday, July 17, 2012

[129] CFC - Day 7 (Southside LSD Biking)

First and foremost, I want to clarify that I did not participate in any aerobic cycling activities while using a pschadelic drug. LSD, in this case, stands for Lake Shore Drive. This is an acronym all you Chicagoans should be familiar with because I maay use it again. And while you're at it, remember "dt", which is "downtown". I use that too! Oh! Last one, last one. Whenever I say "pos" or "p.o.s.", it means "piece of .." so anyways, this day we biked south on Lake Shore after our normal run, jog, yoga, abs, and jump rope stuff.

Let me tell you, folks! This. Is. The. Best. Discover. of. CFC. 2012. We were so used to biking north where there's a lot of people, bad roads, and tricky turns---needless to say, I really hated it. That's why whenever my cousin Darren would want to go biking, I'm always a little hesitant. Biking on the southside is nothing like that at all. You practically have the bike lanes to yourself, it's nicely paved, they have a whole 31st street beach, and you get to enjoy the beautiful Lake on the eastside at all times. Trust me, a clear blue Lake is much better than the murky green and boat-infested water you'll see if you bike north.

A follow-up to a great discovery of the path is a great discovery of a diving spot.

It makes a great pit stop to jump in and cool off after a hot day of biking. Wait!! Did I say "jump in"? I meant FLIP IN!

Can  you say.. "partial face flop"?

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