Wednesday, July 18, 2012

[130] CFC - Day 8 (The Usual)

At this point, whenever we got to jog and do yoga, I'm continuing to try my best but also gauging my improvement. Mr. Navas always said, "If you try once, you have one thing to gain. If you try twice, you have two things to gain. If you don't try at all, you have zero things to gain." Or something along those lines. It's very simple, but it's the truth! You get out what you put in. For me, it's a great motivator. I had a lot of goals coming into CFC, and I could come closer to reaching them if  I put in my 100%.

Last year, I started CFC not being able to touch my toes. I was far from it! Within a week, I think I was able to touch them and after three weeks, I was able to place my palms on the soles of my feet. My flexibility isn't as poor this year, but I can still improve and maintain my hamstring/hip flexibility. Ooh ooh! I can definitely work on my inner thigh flexibility. Those knees will NOT go down when I sit Indian-style.

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