Tuesday, July 10, 2012

[122] CFC - Day 2

[I fell way behind on blogging. I am desperately trying to recount my days and catch up - Aug 8, 2012]  

As I mentioned above, I am desperately trying to remember a whole previous month. For the life of me, I can't personally remember anything about this day. Being that it was the second day of CFC, I can probably rightfully assume that it's because I was soooo sore that ... uh .... darn it. I don't have any close-to-logical ideas of how soreness may affect memory. Oh well! I was probably super duper sore this day, but still went to CFC. OH YEAH! I didn't mention this before, but I'm an Assistant Instructor for CFC. So, I can't really back out just from being sore. I wouldn't anyways even if I wasn't working with CFC. 

Ooh! Something really interesting I learned from CFC. Even though in the mornings, I felt so sore and tired that I could barely get out of bed, still biking and running and yoga-ing and playing with CFC actually helped my body heal. I don't know how, and I don't know why....but the body is amazing and exercise is amazing. 


..  THISS!!!

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