Monday, July 23, 2012

[135] CFC - Day 11

A regular day of CFC with the usual. Maan, how many times have I said that already? I'm not sure, but it was really good getting back into the old routine of walking, jogging, abs, yoga, jump-roping, ultimate frisbee, and soccer. We've been really busy being away from the park where we usually work out, so I think it was important to get back to all the things we've been doing. What's a better way to start our last week of CFC by practicing skills we've been honing since day 1.

I especially enjoyed today's ab and yoga practice. All the students got an opportunity to lead the sets of ab work and yoga sunset salutations a & b series.This challenged all of us to do more sets and also gave us a little taste of how it feels to lead a big group. Even leading for a few minutes, I think, provides an excellent education experience. Plus, I just have a thing where I just loooove to observe teaching styles. 

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