Thursday, June 21, 2012

[103] Cousins Day -- Part Three: Sunrise (Success)

Phew....We woke up in time today. It'll be embarrassing to miss the sunrise AGAIN. Luckily, we all begrudgingly woke up between 4am - 4:20am and made it to the Lake before the sun came up. The sun comes up from the east which is where our Lake Michigan is. So perfect!!! I actually never realized how perfect that was. It's a magnificent sight seeing the sun peek out from the Lake's horizon. It starts off a powerful deep pink but as it surfaces more and more, it becomes the bright orange we know the sun to be. I wonder how that works. Is there a very obvious explanation for it?


At night, Jerry and Daniel went back home--finally!! Just kidding. Since being with my little cousins for three days straight, it's actually really weird now that all of them aren't here anymore. Being with my little cousins puts me in a kind of peace that's ... irreplicable. Even if they find a way to get me mad or annoy me, just hanging out with them makes me really happy.        

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