Friday, September 28, 2012

Sunday Dinner - Pizza From Scratch

Carmen, Kevin, Elyne and I always do "Sunday Dinner" together. We alternate hosting a dinner for each other at our respective apartments. It's a nice way to hang out with each other once in a while. We're all busy people, but this is a nice way to schedule in some time for each other to catch up. I'm actually surprised I haven't done a "Sunday Dinner" post yet. Oh well..this could be a good first one.

Let's go step-by-step with how we made our pizzas!!

1: Prepare the pizza dough! 

I had to borrow some sugar from the neighbor for the dough first.

 2: Prepare the ingredients!

Choppin' up them peppers and mushrooms and whatever else.
Scrambled egg is a GREAT pizza topping. 

 3: Prepare the crusts!

 4: Preheat the crusts a little bit!

Leaning Tower of Pizzas
 5: Spread sauce (which we heated to thicken) and add toppings!

We had assorted cheeses, pizza sauce, bbq sauce, jalapeños, spinach, caramelized onions, mushrooms, Italian sausage, chicken, and scrambled eggs.

 6: Heat up again and bake fully.

It was a lot of fun making 'em with friends and a lot of fun eating 'em. Typing up this post makes me wanna do it again. Definitely gonna have more of these in the future...maybe with other friends and my little cousins.


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