Saturday, September 22, 2012

[196] First BizCaz Practice // CSSA Moon Gala 2012

First BizCaz Practice
Forget the dumb icebreakers where we get to know each and blah blah blah.

Just kidding. We got in a circle and did a little icebreaker. Name, Major, City, and FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVOR! And when everyone said their name, we would all scream it in unison.

"Hi, my name is Henry..."
"...and I'm a senior in Kines. I'm from Chicago, and I love vanilla ice cream and pralines 'n' cream."


It  was so fun! Anyways, after the icebreaker, Dan & I talked about BizCaz a little more. What it is, what we have planned, and how we're happy to have 'em here. As opposed to the AAA FS gen meeting, talking to a group is a lot less difficult when we're all sitting down on equal levels (except for Kenny there in the picture who is standing up for some reason), and we all know each other's names.

Then, we got up to stretch out for the next activity...

My buddy Norman, Nightlife Coord, and I doing some arm stretch-aroonies!

So, for the rest of the practice, Dan & I wanted to do a fun little activity to kind of grease the wheels on learning choreography. We wanted to introduce a few key concepts and moves that we'll be using during practice such as ball-changes, distributing one's weight, a grapevine, "grooving" with your hips, body rolls, isolations etc. We expanded the circle to take up the whole room while Dan & I taught from the center of the circle--each facing different directions so everyone can see us equally.

 We took turns improvising moves to teach and practice with everyone (Ex. Dan - Ball change, Henry - Body Roll). As we taught new moves, we strung 'em together with the old moves (Ex. Ball change then body roll then snap then spin then footwork etc blah blah). By the end of the practice, we had all learned an improvised dance combo & we all did it together to BeyoncĂ©'s "Love On Top".

Watching everyone dance was beautiful. We've got new models shakin' their hips with the old models shakin' their hips with us. It really got me excited to start up practices and after Dan finishes his piece, start teaching everyone my piece. From this day forward, these guys are my babies :3

CSSA Moon Gala 2012
In celebration of the Moon Festival, CSSA (Chinese Students & Scholars Association) puts on an annual show with music, dancing, acting, prizes. This was, by far, one of the best live shows I've seen--and it was almost completely in Mandarin, which I don't understand a lick of! Now that's sayin' something.

The performances were really, really good. The hosts were really, really them TVB hosts you see on TV. Most importantly, every performer was really, really good. Jeez this intro video for Pete's sake...

Do you see how good that was!? AMAZING! And was not done by a professional advertising company but a college club. DAMN! It was all done by just students.

My favorite performance was this Chinese drama they did. Acting soo good!! They were happy, they were sad...they were crying...they were editing, funny, sad, happy. And they were hot! LOL. Gosh!! So good! S....oo......good.....soooo GOOD!

I can't load it to the right time, but check this video out...the Chinese drama they enacted starts at around 15:48...19:35 if you wanna see 'em start acting on stage....

SO GOOD! I would recommend watching the whole show!! Do it. Browse through all the videos on YouTube and watch the entire show.


So awesome!!


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