Friday, September 14, 2012

[188] AAA Family 2012-2013 - Prestigious Predators

AAA Family ... read all about what it is here.

Anyways, I think today was when we all met up and the bigs meet their littles. Surprisingly, I signed up to be a big this year. Big year for Henry.

What a small world though! Guess who is my little? TIMMY! That was basically just me talking to myself in my head, but you guys probably don't know him like I do.

I already knew Timmy (or at least knew who he was for years and years now) and vice versa because although he's three years younger, we both went to the same high school and grade school AND he's the little brother of my classmate Kevin, who I've been in the same class since Kindergarten. COINCIDENCE!

Another coincidence! Both Timmy and I just kinda met up with the group but while they had family dinner, both he and I had to go to work.

Third coincidence!! Another family member is Jenny, who is the little sister of my sister's friend/classmate since Kindergarten.

Final coincidence!! We have another family member named Henry!!

Whooo!!! This is so exciting! I was so pumped up!!

I love coincidental, "it's a small world", six degrees of separation type stuff!!

P.S. Our family names are themed after movies and we're Prestigious Predators, a mix between The Prestige and Predators. Har har har. I think it's funny.

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