Saturday, June 2, 2012

[84] Urbana - Day 3

This was the last day we stayed in Urbana. Unfortunately, Henry Kwan, Justin Law, and Amy had to leave in the morning.

And then there were four.

This day made the trip worth every second, every cent, and every moment where we were sleepy, cranky, or hungry. Maybe the anticipation of playing Dance Central helped with getting me really excited for the day. But even before we played, it was great. In the morning hearing about Kelly's crazy Urbana adventure by her lone, glasses-less, phone-less self, attempting a curry dish, getting Shi Yu medicine. /Smiles

And then, Dance's a video of our little freestyles at the end of the songs...

Dance Central, then dancing and goofing off, and more dancing (+singing) on the drive back home.

Urbana Trip = Worth It!

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