Wednesday, June 27, 2012

[109] Urbana Day #3

I was learning a bit more about Tumblr today, and how it works. Before I thought it was a bit mind-numbing just scrolling and scrolling, but it's actually not. I'm finding a lot of interesting things on Tumblr -- beautiful artworks, GIFs of shows I love, interesting stories, news, videos, music and .. of course .. jokes and funnies. It's ironic I'm blogging about Tumblr when I'm using Blogger...or Blogspot.

Anyways, waking up today was really horrible. I ended up sleeping really late last night...or morning. There was a black out that occured last night, so I was walking around for a couple of hours with Jeff and Vivian. Visiting friends and etc etc. 

After waking up though, it was nice to hang out with Jeff and cop some free food at the quad and watch Iron Man 2, birthday planning with Vivian, and seeing Marz and Venus for the first time since I got here. 

I'll be here for two more days! I'm not sure what I'm doing yet for these last two days, but I'm loving every single day here. I really needed this.  

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