Saturday, June 23, 2012

[105] Faded #2

It's been two fast and long weeks......¿two slow and short weeks? since our last haircut, and it's about upkeep time. But instead of maintenance, Kelly and I decided to give each other a whole new fade.

Kelly's Fade #2

Henry's Fade #2

We are slowly mastering our craft --- our fade craft. Does that sentence even make sense? Anyways, that was a pretty pretentious sentence anyways. We don't really know what are the standards for fades, but we're just going our own thing and having fun with it. It's all experimentation, folks! We're exercising our creative rights we've given to each other...the creative right to do whatever we want to the other person's head. So far so good, and I actually really like how mine turned out and I really like how Kelly's turned out too.

Stay tuned! There's more to come!!

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