Thursday, May 23, 2013

[7] DT w/ AK-n-HAF

I don't know why I felt I had to make the title so stupid-lookin', but I like it.
Downtown with Annie K. & Helen A. F.

Yep! Looks good to me!!

This was one of my first times biking again in the city, and it was oddly cold. It was pretty hard planning this hangout day. It was like, "Yes! We made it work and here we are all together but shooooot, does it have to be this cold?" Seriously, it was winter weather. Helen and Annie had their winter gear out. The weather kind of limited what we could do, but it was really great nonetheless. I couldn't care less about having an eventful day. It was just kinda great getting to hang out and chill and stuff.

I had some alone bonding time with Helen in the beginning when we were waiting for Annie. Then, all together, we wandered around and went to one of my favorite places, Halo, and I had the Spicy Crazy Chicken. Afterwards, Helen had to leave and I got to have some alone bonding time with Annie.

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