Monday, May 27, 2013

[11] Illinois Bar & Grill - "Best Burger in the U.S.A."

My cousin Darren brought Becky and I to Illinois Bar and Grill. Its pretty well-known for its burgers and on its website, it even boasts "Best Burger in the U.S.A."

It's just like a regular burger with nothing really special about it---Buns, burger, condiments, toppings, and grilled onions. Even though it's not a unique burger, it's a burger done right...and I loved it!

When I want burgers, I just want the classic cheeseburger ...easy enough... but it has to be good. IBG does that perfectly. Great size! Great price! Greasy--yes....but it was gooooood.

Definitely memorable and in my top 2 burgers places.
#1: Lockdown Bar & Grill.
#2: Illinois Bar & Grill.

Maybe I should just look for places with "Bar & Grill" in its name.

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