Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring Break 2013 - Day 6 - Chicago

Being back in Chicago allows me to think about the last week in New Orleans and reflecting back on the crazy trip to New Orleans, I think it was totally worth it. My mom and Becky were right--I never would've had such an opportunity. In the 3 days we spent in New Orleans, we did so much! We met a lot of people, explored a lot of places; we really spent our time well. It was also a week of a lot of firsts. It was my first time being in the South, taking the Amtrak, trying various foods, going to a St. Paddy's Day Parade, riding through a parade on the back of a wheelchair, etc etc. And as much of the fun as I included in these blog posts, there was soo much more that I didn't include just because it would take too long to write about, or I didn't have any photographs, ....or it was inappropriate. But yeah, it was all well-worth it.

One of the biggest things I'll miss there is the Southern hospitality. It was one of the things I first noticed upon arrival, and it was something I noticed throughout the vacation. It helped me feel safe and comfortable even if I was in a dark, strange place. Everyone is super nice and friendly. I remember once when we got lost, we went into a restaurant to ask for directions and the owner came outside with us to point us in the right direction. He went totally out of his way just to help out a couple of stooges, who didn't look at a map before heading out! There were several occasions when we would cruise around and just find a couple of strangers that engaged us in casual conversation. Seriously, how often does that happen in Chicago? People would spit on you sooner than they would talk to you.

In the future, I would definitely love to go back. And you know the first thing I would do is grab me some Voodoo BBQ! :D

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