Saturday, March 16, 2013

Spring Break 2013 - Day 2 - New Orleans, I

Bright and early! Hot and early!! Holy crap was it hot!! Coming from Champaign where it was like 20 degrees, we were NOT ready for this 80 degree weather. It was beautiful though... I shouldn't be complaining in this post.

Here is a picture of the train station we just got out from but really, this picture is to give you an idea of how lovely New Orleans looked. Palm trees, clear blue sky, clean sidewalks!


Okay, as we make our way further away from the train station and into downtown New Orleans where our hotel was, we realized it was NOT clean. There's debris everywhere and there were streets that were so shoddy and non-accessible, we sometimes had to lift up the wheelchairs over the curbs. Another first impression about New Orleans. There is a lot of homelessnesss. However, all the homeless persons on the street are really nice and friendly. This must be that Southern hospitality. I like it.

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