Friday, March 15, 2013

Spring Break 2013 - Day 1 - Train to New Orleans

A little while ago, I decided to go on a Spring Break trip to New Orleans with my friends, so I can PA for them. It was a really hard decision.

On one hand, it was really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I get a free trip with pay; I would only have to pay for food and souvenirs or whatever. In addition, I get to experience the culture and the community of New Orleans. I've been to the North, East, West, Midwest--I can finally get a taste of the South. Lastly, I get to help give my friends a trip of a lifetime! Being in wheelchairs, there are perceived limitations when it comes to travelling. However, they overlooked the obstacles and decided that they were going to go on this trip! Why wouldn't I want to be a part of that.

On the other hand, I would only be able to be back home for half of Spring Break. It was tough because at this point in the school year, I was already incredibly homesick. I wanted to be home and see my family and friends. That's it--plain and simple--I missed my family and friends. 

After talking to my mom and sister, they encouraged me to go on the trip. They understood that I missed them, but they knew I may not have such an opportunity again. They reasoned that I would still be able to be home, even if it's a little later and for a shorter amount of time--and I'll have fun in New Orleans, so why not? 

Come today though, I was regretting my decision. My UIUC friends were staying another day or so, but I had to leave a day earlier to catch my bus. When I was saying bye, I just kept thinking, "I don't care about New Orleans. I just want to hang out for a little bit longer and then go home to my family!" It felt horrible. It took a long phone call with Becky to finally calm me down. 

Once I was calm though, I remembered why I was going on the trip again--and I was super excited! I met up with the guys, helped them pack their things, headed off to the station, and got on the train. Nineteen hours from now, we'll be in the diirrrty South in good ol' New Orleans. 

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