Illini Emergency Medical Services.
Get CPR, First Responder, or EMT Certified! These are all certifications to be pre-hospital paramedics. These certifications are actually steps right below paramedics. It goes Paramedic→EMT→First Responder→CPR certified.
They offer free CPR classes, which I signed up for October 10th. I'm so excited. I'll be certified within 4 hours. Smiles. These are just basics of first aid and treating a wound...and of course CPR.
First Responder classes seem really interesting too. In about 8 weeks totaling to 50 hours of class time, I can become a First Responder for $175.
EMT certification is actually like a course like any course in college (but without real college credit). It's like a whole semester for only $350. Normal classes elsewhere even at community colleges could easily be $1000.
If I could, I would love to do all of these because it's a national certification. And just think...if anyone was having a baby or fucking broke a bone, I would know how to treat them. I can also work at national events or sporting games. I would actually be doing volunteer work at university games after getting my certification. SO LEGIT, BABY!!
Also, the classes are really hands-on. Of course there is classroom time and book material...but they have demonstrations and practicals where they use volunteer models to help you learn. For example, last year for some of their tests, they would have volunteers covered in fake blood with a fake symptom and students would have to treat them as if it were the real thing. SO AWESOME!!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
School Yard Brawl.
This was fucking amazing. I've never been to any breakdance competitions, but this was really good. This was in one of the huge ass mother fuckin' rooms in the Union by the way. There were a lot of really good dancers with amazing skills and so much charisma, one of the best things about seeing dancers. Wing and I watched everyone dance from 7PM to midnight. It started with an hour of b-boys/b-girls cyphering (getting in a circle and taking turns dancing). At 8PM, the competition officially began. It started with 16 crews with each round eliminating half until there was only one winner. After each round, there was a 15-minute break so the crews have a chance to rest. However, they just still danced and cyphered which was sugoi as hell! I WANT TO BREAKDANCE!!
These are the judges just showing a little bit of what they can do. They were cyphering throughout the day and the whole hour before the competition too. They were so sick. SICK! SICK!! SICK!!!
The next few videos are just some of the many rounds. Good shit. Nice moves and teamwork and musicality. What the hell does "musicality" mean? Uh...they were very good at listening and dancing to the music.
Finaly Round!!! Keep in mind: they've been dancing for five hours already, but this was still rull good. ( Hint: Wing (white tee) and I (black tee) are to the left of the big screen on the right. Also, I am pumping my arms at 00:27).
Oh yEah! There was a girl in the final round and she was killin' it the whole day. So hot!!
VISION!!! Or is it Sammy? ..... SAMMY!!!
These are the judges just showing a little bit of what they can do. They were cyphering throughout the day and the whole hour before the competition too. They were so sick. SICK! SICK!! SICK!!!
The next few videos are just some of the many rounds. Good shit. Nice moves and teamwork and musicality. What the hell does "musicality" mean? Uh...they were very good at listening and dancing to the music.
Finaly Round!!! Keep in mind: they've been dancing for five hours already, but this was still rull good. ( Hint: Wing (white tee) and I (black tee) are to the left of the big screen on the right. Also, I am pumping my arms at 00:27).
Oh yEah! There was a girl in the final round and she was killin' it the whole day. So hot!!
VISION!!! Or is it Sammy? ..... SAMMY!!!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
"My Classes Be Like...
... Oooh Aaah"
Errbody be askin' "How's class?"
Well..I'll tell you! I'll go through all my classes even. Smiles.
KIN 125-Introduction to Kinesiology/Community Health
This is just an intro course required for all KIN and CHLH majors. It's just an eight week course for one credit hour. We started off just talking about the school resources and academic integrity and all that stuff. So far, it's not very interesting. Later on though, we'll get to the good stuff: GUEST SPEAKERS!!! I'm looking forward to that. The speakers are going to include researchers within the departments, physical therapists, occupational therapists. physicians, physical education teachers...etc. That'll be cool.
KIN 122-Physical Activity and Health
The class is pretty self-explanatory. It kind of seems like a physical education health class. The teacher is on crack. She's this Brazilian lady and she's so crazy. So excited....and on crack. I like her though. She also has us doing this blog activity where there are 15 groups within our class and every week, the groups have to post like 16 different items (webpages, blogs, podcasts, videos, journal articles, etc) related to the class topic of that week. It's very, very tedious...but's aight. I'm saving all the items from all the blogs, so I can learn a thing or two from these postings. All fitness, health, and wellness related.
KIN 140-Social Science of Human Movement
I had a preconceived notion about this class like "Oh man. It's going to be a bunch of readings and papers and social science stuff I won't understand" but it's not at all. The teacher is really funny (dork funny but really funny nonetheless). And we discuss a lot of different ideas. This class combines sociology, psychology, sports, and exercise and it's super interesting. I guess to me, it's just discussions I've never came across before, so it's very new and interesting to me. I look forward to this class errday.
KIN 150-Bioscience of Human Movement
Sad face. Sad face. This class is a lot of biology and chemistry stuff. It goes through all the reactions and processes that take place in your body (homeostatic control systems, metabolism, etc) on a microscopic level. It's so complicated and I don't get it. Aigoo!! I just understood glycolysis (conversion of glucose to ATP) today and it's fascinating when I can understand it but when I have no clue what's going on, it's extremely frustrating.
CHLH 144-Health Statistics
Your everyday stats class except all the examples and stuff are related back to life sciences. Stats itself is not interesting, but I really love the professor. Her personality is so beautiful. She's one of those professors who really loves her students and want to help them as much as she can. She's also always talking about the beauty of diversity and that we're all one and we're all human...and...and I love her. She's the nicest person in the whole entire world. And she's super smart too. She's got so many research stuff going on and she has so many different degrees.
"You know what's going to keep me warm?" "Those degreees."
ASST 104-Asian Mythology
This class focuses mostly on Indian mythology and we'll touch on Chinese and Japanese mythology. This class is actually very interesting--if only because my TA is super cool. He's really into the material and once he starts talking about something, he goes on and on but it's really interesting because he's very informal and his lingo is so funny. I love discussions! It's really cool with all the Gods and stuff too...Rta. Varuna. Shiva. Indra. Agni. Vrtra. Did you know there are like a couple hundred million gods or deities?
Anyways, to sum up. My classes are generally pretty good and I really like my teachers. Let's get straight A's this semester. HELL YEAH!! (FIST PUMP)
Errbody be askin' "How's class?"
Well..I'll tell you! I'll go through all my classes even. Smiles.
KIN 125-Introduction to Kinesiology/Community Health
This is just an intro course required for all KIN and CHLH majors. It's just an eight week course for one credit hour. We started off just talking about the school resources and academic integrity and all that stuff. So far, it's not very interesting. Later on though, we'll get to the good stuff: GUEST SPEAKERS!!! I'm looking forward to that. The speakers are going to include researchers within the departments, physical therapists, occupational therapists. physicians, physical education teachers...etc. That'll be cool.
KIN 122-Physical Activity and Health
The class is pretty self-explanatory. It kind of seems like a physical education health class. The teacher is on crack. She's this Brazilian lady and she's so crazy. So excited....and on crack. I like her though. She also has us doing this blog activity where there are 15 groups within our class and every week, the groups have to post like 16 different items (webpages, blogs, podcasts, videos, journal articles, etc) related to the class topic of that week. It's very, very tedious...but's aight. I'm saving all the items from all the blogs, so I can learn a thing or two from these postings. All fitness, health, and wellness related.
KIN 140-Social Science of Human Movement
I had a preconceived notion about this class like "Oh man. It's going to be a bunch of readings and papers and social science stuff I won't understand" but it's not at all. The teacher is really funny (dork funny but really funny nonetheless). And we discuss a lot of different ideas. This class combines sociology, psychology, sports, and exercise and it's super interesting. I guess to me, it's just discussions I've never came across before, so it's very new and interesting to me. I look forward to this class errday.
KIN 150-Bioscience of Human Movement
Sad face. Sad face. This class is a lot of biology and chemistry stuff. It goes through all the reactions and processes that take place in your body (homeostatic control systems, metabolism, etc) on a microscopic level. It's so complicated and I don't get it. Aigoo!! I just understood glycolysis (conversion of glucose to ATP) today and it's fascinating when I can understand it but when I have no clue what's going on, it's extremely frustrating.
CHLH 144-Health Statistics
Your everyday stats class except all the examples and stuff are related back to life sciences. Stats itself is not interesting, but I really love the professor. Her personality is so beautiful. She's one of those professors who really loves her students and want to help them as much as she can. She's also always talking about the beauty of diversity and that we're all one and we're all human...and...and I love her. She's the nicest person in the whole entire world. And she's super smart too. She's got so many research stuff going on and she has so many different degrees.
"You know what's going to keep me warm?" "Those degreees."
ASST 104-Asian Mythology
This class focuses mostly on Indian mythology and we'll touch on Chinese and Japanese mythology. This class is actually very interesting--if only because my TA is super cool. He's really into the material and once he starts talking about something, he goes on and on but it's really interesting because he's very informal and his lingo is so funny. I love discussions! It's really cool with all the Gods and stuff too...Rta. Varuna. Shiva. Indra. Agni. Vrtra. Did you know there are like a couple hundred million gods or deities?
Anyways, to sum up. My classes are generally pretty good and I really like my teachers. Let's get straight A's this semester. HELL YEAH!! (FIST PUMP)
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Carmen's Apartment.
So, I got a call from Carmen...
"Yo. Sup, dawg. What's crackin'?"
"Oh. Nuttin' much. Just chillaxin' at the crib. Naaaaw meen?"
"Get off yo fat ass and help us wit groceries. We bought all this grub, but we ain't got nuff handz."
"Shit! You fo' real? That much? If I help, I bettuh get some free food or sumthin"
"Nigga, please! Hurry yo ass to County Market and carry some potatoes."
"Nigga, please! Hurry yo ass to County Market and carry some potatoes."
And so I did. Carried groceries and Candy's books to their apartment. The apartment building was nothing like I imagined. It was my fault though cause I realized I was imagining like a whole condo thing. But it was pretty nice. Outside, they're got a ton of open grass to do whatever, a sandpit volleyball court, tennis courts, an outdoor pool...maybe basketb (I can't remember). And inside, it was very neat and they have the best carpet ever!! SO SOFT!! And Carmen brought panes of glass to use as dry-erase. So clevah.
Got there, tried working on a crossword, and fell asleep while they made dinner.
![]() |
Kevin H to the left, Miranda H to the right. |
While they ate, I went to Carmen's room and did yoga on the SUPER SOFT CARPET!! Sun Salutations Part One?
Saturday, August 21, 2010
So, this was my first day here and it was pretty good day. Ate, shopped, cleaned up, chilled .... then "the nasty" happened.
When I went to shower at night, some guy is passed out naked. MY EYES!!
Why couldn't he have been in the side showers? ... or had his curtain up?
(Refer to above diagram) yEah...There was NO way to avoid seeing this naked nuisance.
That's exactly how he looked: inebriated, naked, wet. Well...less alien/Voldemort-like. But ... whatever. It's just a rough sketch. Also, I didn't draw the nudie parts because ... that's sick.
yEp! Very interesting first day. I hope I don't encounter any more of this.
OH YEAH! ANOTHER "THE NASTY" STORY! Some idiot on our floor kept peeing on all the toilet paper rolls and on the floor. Once, he did it in the afternoon and we were all like, "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS CHRONIC PEE EVERYWHERE-ER!"
Friday, August 20, 2010
The Quad.
This is our quad. It's pretty ridic big compared to the UIC quad. Just to give you an idea of exactly how big it is, two laps around our quad already make up 3 miles. Lots of room to lay, to nap, to play frisbee, etc etc. The best part is that it's sloped, so when going down one way on longboard, it's soooooooooooooo fun!!
The building alll the waaay on the other side of the quad is called the Union.
The Union.
Flippin' trees all in the way and stuff. Anyways, this is the Union. For those who are familiar with UIC, it's the equivalent of SCE. They have a food court, rec room (bowling, billiards, video arcade), student lounges, tech labs, convenience stores, outside patios, conference rooms, ballrooms, multi-purpose space for dance and stuff. It's a really awesome place.
The Foellinger Auditorium.
I took the quad picture in front of this gigantic building on the big ass platform. This is on one end of the quad while the Union is on the opposite end.
The auditorium hosts many of the student productions and performances. This is also the largest lecture hall on the whole campus. This bad boy can seat 1750 students (assuming each student fits one seat). ¡IncreĆble!
The Treehouse.
Here is the door. Townsend 264, baby!! The doors are very poorly decorated. Sheriff name tags?
And so, right when the door opens. TA DA! This is what you see.
Left Side: TV and mini-fridge, drawers, and Jeff's desk
Center: Trash bin, water dispenser in its box, trash bin (from the left)
Right Side: Bunks and my desk behind the bunks
Ditto. walked through the door and all the way to the other side and turned around again. This is what you see. THE BACK OF THE DOOR....with mirror, cheap dry-erase thing, and Jeff and I's combined schedule.
Left Side
Here it is, ladies and gentleman! The left side!!
TV & mini-fridge, microwave on top of shelves, shelves full o' shtuff, and drawers (the shelf and drawer on the left is mine while Jeff's are the ones on the right).
What's in my fridge? Nothing much. A tupperware of granola, an empty tupperware, vitamin water, water, and a lonely ass orange.
Upper left shelf.
Let's play I SPY! Let's see if you guys can spot everything from the list below.
Napkins & sporks, CHEWY bars, Chef Boyardee Ravioli, "99" Chinese biscuit-y deliciousness, raisins (yee haw), Chinese ginseng tea, those Austin pb cheese crackers, Quaker Oatmeal Squares, Ritz whole wheat crackers.
Lower left shelf.
This is mostly toiletry stuff. My big Birdman box o' toiletries. And randomly on this shelf and counter I have my brushing teeth crap, showering crap on my shower caddy, my earring case, apricot scrub, deodorant, eyeglasses, tupperware, cup o' papers, and paper bag o' meds from UIUC. The drugs were fuh-ree!!
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